Services Available

Aroma Touch Technique
doTERRA's AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body.
ATT Massage @ $60.00
Approx 45 min
Quantum Wave Laser
The Scalar Wave Laser System is used for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasm, relieving stiffness, promoting relaxation of muscle tissue, and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.
Scalar waves are revolutionary neutral waves of energy. They do not have polarity and therefore do not travel in a linear fashion from past to present. They are unified field energy which is profoundly effective for neutralizing chronic pain, stress, dis-ease and cell memory of any kind.
All polarity is, in effect, a contraction of the unified field and what makes scalar waves so unique is that they are able to unwind and clear these contractions. This works in much the same way that an old cassette tape works. If you want to clear the information you simply change the polarity which neutralizes the information.
Unwind/Pain Relief Session @ $90.00
To target a specific area of pain. Approx 75 min
Laser Facial Session @ $90.00
Unwind and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Approx 75 min

Reiki Session
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Reiki Session @ $80.00
Approx 60 min