Sleep! Are you Getting Enough?

Sleep is the topic I want to touch upon today. Are you getting enough?

Sleep is a very important part of life. Our bodies use the time that we are asleep to do all of the repairs that are needed.

When I first started looking into intermittent fasting was when I discovered all the things that our bodies do when we are not making them digest food.

So if we are getting enough sleep we are also letting our bodies do the things they need to do without having to do anything else.

So how much sleep is enough? Well that is the 64 million dollar question isn’t it. Everyone you talk to will say something different but the general consensus is that an adult needs 6 to 8 hours a night. In my opinion the more the better and if you can wake up naturally it’s even better.

There are many things that we can do to improve our sleep so that we get the best sleep we can.

We can create a sleep routine, including having a regular schedule, and going to bed at the same time every night. Limiting alcohol and caffeine, especially in the afternoon/evening is also beneficial. We should also not eat right before going to bed, I recommend that you stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. Remember what I said about what your body can accomplish when it is not digesting? Well we want to make sure it is not digesting when it is supposed to be doing repairs.

We need to choose de-stressing activities before bed, like a bath or reading instead of using electronic devices. Setting an appropriate room temperature for sleep, having the room dark,and keeping the room quiet are all great ways to get a good night's sleep.

Tell me about your nightly routine.

Try setting yourself a bedtime this week and stick to it, see how you feel if you can get just a little bit more sleep.

Tune in next week for more discussion about lifestyle and food.

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