I would like to talk today about the alternatives that you can turn to when you have a craving.
We all have things that we have decided that we can’t live without and most of the time those things are probably not that great for our systems. A Perfect example is ice cream, I know I for one don’t want to ever live without ice cream. But I have learned that I need to live without ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, I indulge every once in a while but I have discovered an alternative that is very satisfying and actually good for you. We use a half a frozen banana and frozen mango's and pineapple with a bit of coconut milk and come up with a great alternative that has no dairy and no added sugar. It tastes great and has the same consistency as ice cream. Now it of course does have the natural fruit sugar in it so you need to make sure you are not over indulging with this either. But as you can see there are alternatives you can choose.
If you are trying to reduce your weight or even just maintain your weight then finding alternatives can be a great way to still have some of the things that we crave. Another example that I have are zucchini muffins the ones I make are mostly zucchini and eggs, I use a coconut flour recipe as my partner chooses to eat paleo it is a great way to have the muffin experience without all the fat and sugars, my recipe uses honey as a sweetener and they taste great. Because we try to keep things paleo here I have gone looking for things that we would like to eat but with less of the ingredients that we don’t want to have. There are thousands of recipes out there, you just need to experiment and find ones that give you what you are looking for.
It comes down to what I have said before: we need to eat real food not processed, the more we can satisfy our cravings with whole foods the better off we are. It takes time to change our habits so start off by just changing one thing, find a good substitute that satisfies your craving and stick with it. You will find over time that your cravings will change.
Tune in next week for more discussion about lifestyle and food.
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