Today's topic is all about self care. When and why we do it.
So for me this week self care became very important to me. I am usually pretty good about taking care of myself, I have a routine that I follow that keeps me doing the things that keep me healthy. Unfortunately every once in a while my body's immune system just gets behind and I need a little down time to recover. This weekend was one of those times I was feeling under the weather. So what do you do for self care when you are ill? Let me know.
For myself it involves using some devices that I have been using for years just increasing how often I use them. I get extra sleep, take naps and do a lot of resting. I use good quality essential oils in hot water to help with congestion, it is actually my partner's recipe and we lovingly refer to it as paint thinner. It knocks the bugs right out of your system, it is very strong but very effective. Taking a hot bath is also very good, again using good quality essential oils to help open the airways. Plenty of fluids and lots of rest really do help the body to process the bad things out of the body.
So I was doing extra self care because I needed to. In a lot of cases for a lot of people the only time they do any self care is when their body gives them no choice. This is obviously not the best way to care for your body. We need to make sure that we are taking care of the physical as well as the mental needs of the body so we can remain healthy and happy for a long fulfilling life.
There are all kinds of ways that you can care for yourself and for every person it is different. For some doing a 5 mile run everyday is part of a self care routine for someone else this would be torture. Some people enjoy baths, others don’t. Bottom line is you need to find something that will work for you and your schedule. Just make sure you do self care when you don’t have to so it will not be as often when your body will make you.
Tune in next week for more discussion about lifestyle and food.
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